Sunday, August 13, 2017

after charlottesville

laws re: firing depend on the state. but let's suppose they are all fired. what do you think will happen next? what do you think they'll do? what do you think their families will do? do you think they'll suddenly regret what they did, maybe turn over a new leaf?

no. they will tell the tale that one more thing was taken away from them by the same people that they already hate. and their numbers will grow. it may satisfy our own hate and lust for revenge, but this kind of thinking always makes things worse. it does not treat the root cause: these people are tiny, terrified souls that the world has left behind. they would rather sink the boat the rest of us are on than face the sharks alone.

better education, better jobs, and exposure to more people who are not like them ends hate. until we provide those things, this issue will only get worse. railing at trump or his thugs won't change anything; he has made his position clear. we have to do this, or no one will.

oh - and let's melt the rest of those monuments, plaques, etc., that celebrate racism down into slag. losers lose - that's what loser means.